
The club fosters the interests of all people who are interested in the collecting, cutting and polishing gemstones, lapidary work, in addition with all associated arts, crafts and activities.  All course, activity and event information is available on the Activities page and current event dates can be found via our calendar.  Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for all our latest social news.

Our flagship event is the Gem Show held each year in May at the Greensborough Masonic Hall.  Check our Activities page for full details.  Don't forget to follow us on Facebook for real time updates of the show.


Club History

In October 1967 the Diamond Valley Gem club was officially formed. That year there were ten gem clubs formed in Victoria and we were one of them. The club emerged from humble beginnings with workshops being held at a member’s home using limited equipment.
Our first club President was Frans Zylstra and years later the club became an incorporated body. On the eighth of February 1968 the clubroom was opened at the Sullivan’s home in Montmorency. The first newsletter was issued in May 1968. In late 1968 the club held its first gem show, which in fact was the first national gem show to be held anywhere in Australia.
In later years the club has progressed to having our own clubhouse. On the thirteenth of July 1975 about seventy members went along to an open day at the new clubrooms, which were located at the western end of Stanley Street behind Stortford Avenue in Ivanhoe.
In following years we approached the council again for larger premises.  Councillor Critcheley took the case to the council and a new premises was found at 135 Henry Street, Greensborough.
In 2019 the club again approached council for larger premises and in 2020 we were offered the old girl guide hall at 22 Noorong Avenue, Bundoora which is now our present location.

After Fifty years we have a healthy membership, good accommodation for our equipment, and offer a good range of activities for our members to ensure that the club is around for another fifty years.

50 Year Booklet
In October 2017 the Diamond Valley Gem Club celebrated its Golden or 50th Anniversary, to mark the occasion the Newsletter Editors Neil Crammer and Rahn Krammaer produced a booklet which commemorates the past 50 year's of the club. Below is download link to a PDF of the booklet.